Company Profile Main Article
Corporate Information

In addition to our current portfolio of medicines for cancer and cardiovascular disease, Daiichi Sankyo is primarily focused on developing novel therapies for people with cancer as well as other diseases with high unmet medical needs. With more than 100 years of scientific expertise and a presence in more than 20 countries, Daiichi Sankyo and its 16,000 employees around the world draw upon a rich legacy of innovation to realize our 2030 Vision to become an “Innovative Global Healthcare Company Contributing to the Sustainable Development of Society.”
Company Profile Address
U.S. Employees
Approximately 1800
Global Employees
Approximately 16,000
U.S. Headquarters
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
211 Mt. Airy Road
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920-2311
Phone: 908-992-6400
Parent Company
Daiichi Sankyo Co., LTD. (TSE 4568)
3-5-1, Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
103-8426, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6225-1111
European Headquarters
Daiichi Sankyo Eurpoe, GhbH
Zielstattstrasse 48
81379 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49-89-7808-0