Patient Advocacy
Patient Advocacy

Daiichi Sankyo and our Compassion for Patients goes beyond the medicines we develop.
We are committed to those living with cancer, recognizing that each patient is an expert in their personal disease and has a unique perspective about their care.
At Daiichi Sankyo, we forge partnerships with patients, their caregivers, healthcare providers, and advocacy organizations, so that we can all work together to champion the needs of the patients who need our medicines.
As we share below, these partnerships guide our actions from the laboratory to the patient’s bedside and it is how we honor the patient credo, “No Decision About Me, Without Me."
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How We Think: Patient Centricity

Patient Advocacy includes the full range of activities that incorporates the insights from patients and their communities into the drug development and delivery process. Some of the activities include raising awareness of specific disease areas and helping close the knowledge gaps that may exist between science and healthcare for patients.
In Their Shoes Patient Journey: “In Their Shoes” is a Daiichi Sankyo patient-centric program that brings the patient experience to life for our employees around the world. We learn how different each patient's journey can be as we bring forward thoughtfulness and empathy toward the patients who share their stories with us and answer our questions. We follow these sessions with immersive, hands-on activities that engage everyone in our company.
What We Do: Patient Engagement

Patient Engagement means interacting in an open and ongoing manner with patients to respectfully and compassionately learn what matters most to them, during and post treatment, as they continue their survivorship journey. When we engage patients and gain their insight during our process, we achieve the best experience and outcome for that person and their family.
How We Do It: Patient Advocacy

To be a patient advocate is to work to help improve the lives of people with cancer. We do this in several ways: supporting those living with cancer, raising awareness of different cancers and related issues, advancing cancer research, improving the quality of cancer care and addressing policy issues affecting the cancer experience.
Our Partnerships: this is a sample of the advocacy groups we engage with.